"If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day." — E.B. White

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bestest Cat Eva

She NEVER was catty or mean

Sarah named her Hello Kitty.
How could we tell her what "Kitty's" real name was...
The cat who had adopted me long before Sarah was born.
She won me over when I began renting this farm.
By always throwing herself on her back directly in front of me
and drooling profusely
and purring like a freight train.
I called her Slutty Kitty.
She won over The Farmer in an instant despite his allergies.
She climbed his winter coveralls and rode around on his shoulder while he fixed fences.
The cat who always sat in the ring while I taught or rode.
Who joined in any and all farm activities.
Who was "supposed to be" a barn cat due to Jack breaking out in chicken pox like hives due to more severe allergies. But who slept on Jack's bed by invitation none the less.
"Kitty" was never aloof. Never too pushy. Just the perfect friend.

Jack covered her with grass. She stayed still.
She was happy where ever her kids were.

She was a part of every view on our farm.
For years n years n years.

She's buried here beside her old nemesis Cody and will wait for Nick.
She will be dearly missed by all.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Woooeee, real progress!

Just a wee smidgeon of my stash!
The Farmer has finally found time to put back on his builder hat and start a new major barn project for me... Actually while also working on a clients remodel. The hog barn is transforming to become my shop and lounge! 

 His past projects were equally thrilling to me and merit mention too ~
  1. He fenced the large back field (in a snowstorm).
  2. He built a huge run in shed and trenched water to my autowaterers.
  3. He lined the loft floor so all the hay chaff no longer falls on my clean aisle or tack.
  4. He built new pretty stall fronts in the horse barn and upped the lighting. 
  5. Helped set up all the tack and feed rooms.
  6. Made me a real wash stall with concrete & hot water (HUGE help during last years blizzardS).
  7. Installed amazing arena lights so we can even jump a full course at night!  :-)

But now for the drum roll, please
bada bada bada bada
They pumped n dropped the concrete through the upper floor
The 200 y.o. hog barn was emptied, got it's new concrete floor (with help from friends and short people) and The Farmer's working on new supports and floor already!

Next on the hog barn will be the upstairs portion... All new floor, shore up the old walls with fun salvage, heat, cool add full bath, re roof... Hmm, better stop listing it all as I'LL get too overwhelmed. I do love the old stone foundation!

Can you see my old wicker carriage out back?
I am so eager to get it set up with all my architectural salvage pieces like doors, bulls eyes, old windows and fill it back up with cool junk! My plan is to use it for clients to lounge in, seasonal farm days and classes/lectures to be taught. I'll have a workshop of my own downstairs too!

As a fun outing, the Farmer and some friends went to Chartreuse & Co. with me last weekend. Boy was there lots of eye candy there! They really do a beautiful job with junk! I'm sorry I didn't have a camera.

It turned out to be a very helpful working outing for The Farmer (and ME).  He saw how simply, yet tastefully, they had outfitted their old dairy barn. He also saw prices on lotsa stuff just like mine and people buying lots too. I think it really validated my hoarding collections! Finally it got through to him why I didn't want drywall and all new stuff... He appreciates all the character of old stuff, but had doubted that others would find it finished enough. Prior to this outing he just thought I was alone in my junky shed insanity!

I didn't buy anything too exciting at Chartreuse. They sure had lots more glamorous junk... But seeing as I still have sheds n sheds full of projects, and am trying to declutter, I only bought something (on clearance!) if I knew exactly where I'd use it. Remarkable self restraint for me. Love the cheerful heavy felt stockings. Even if I did swear off more Christmas stuff! The shade below is prolly a Rachel Ashwell. Not vintage linen etc, but suits my bedroom colors perfectly. And did I say "on clearance!?" They had great prices and fun stuff ~ go visit Chartreuse if you can!

Does your hubby think you're nuts for loving junk?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Slick Pappy

Whooda thunk it?!
I married a trucker!!!
And a builder.
And a farmer.
And an inventor
And my best friend.

Can you see the "monogram" S for Slick Pappy? teehee

We call him "Slick Pappy" these days as a joke CB handle.
He's dern proud of the equipment he's bought and fixed up.
This big truck, with huge dump trailer, is the newest...
The Farmer's all ready for next years even bigger crop.
Whatever makes him happy.
He deserves it for all the happiness he's given his family!

Yup. We tease 'im LOTS. 
("That's what we *dooo.*")
But we love him even more.
He may be a bit of a Bad Boy, but...
He's a real Good Man.
Happy Birthday Daddy!!!!
Hope it's a year full of corn (& silliness)!
Mommy, Sarah n Jack

*Please note: this has NOT become a birthday blog. We shall now resume our usual random ramblings. At least 'til the summer crop of birthdays!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Knock knock

Who's there this time?!

We love all our critters like family ~ maybe a bit too much?
They ALL come knocking, given the chance...

Hennypenny SITS on our doorstep waiting like a dog... (!!!)

Dear Olivia is certainly the worst about always being on the wrong side of the door
In    out    IN   OUT,  again n again n AGAIN.
And um, yes we HAVE a dog door...
But that is now closed due to one too many critter capers 
(nother post needed AGAIN on that story).

It seems that there is an odd order of who gets in first...

Guineas trump chickens, chickens trump cat, cat trumps Beagle, (actually anything trumps dear shy Nick), dogs trump Wilma (goat)  except  "Bert" trumps all as he boldly crashes any and all parties!

No wonder my french doors are always filthy.

It's pretty sad when I have to shoo chickens away to get Nick to stop cowering and come in.
He won't even come near the door. He prefers to wait on the steps. In the sun.

You notice there's no mention of the dirty little short people.
They don't even bother with doors. Only threshholds to zoom through winter, spring, summer or fall.

"Are you kidding me?! YOU don't even live here!!! "
Guess the news has spread...

BTW - speaking of thresh holds, did you know that the supposed origin of that word is from a board used to hold straw (threshings) inside lining the floor in mideaval times? Experts say that's wrong, but...
Seems about right in this homestead.

What a pity they can't read!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

ANOTHER Beautiful birthday lady!

She's all about LIFE *and* GRACE
And making faith fun.
And sharing all she is and does.
Compassion, color, courage, chalkboards, coffee, crafting...
Faith, family, friends, food, flowers, flipflops...
I could go on n on...
After celebrating my own ladies I'm late to her party to say

"Happy Birthday 
I wish you were in my family.
Thanks for letting me enjoy yours.
Thanks especially for helping me to make my own home more faithful and colorful.

I love your style!!! 
You wear your joyful faith and flowers with abandon!

No way could I pick a favorite post or project ~ there're waaaaay too many!!! I copied her here. I think of her often as I "redecorrange." Thanks to her, it was all I could do not to buy a cowhide rug or ottoman at Ikea! When I'm in need of Mommy MoJo, I visit Edie. She reflects God's love awesomely.

(I ordered this for my barn after seeing it at Edie's!)

In looking back I found words n pics that spoke to me in every post I saw...

Here're just a sampling~

Confessions of a lyrics lover  Monday, September 27, 2010

I’m fanatical about words.  I DO believe that it’s my favorite way to make my space my own.   That’s probably why I like chalk boards so much. Then there’s  song lyrics.   I’m giddy like a school girl for poetic, passionate lyrics. Which probably explains my love for poetry.    And books.  ...

100 things Edition 3 Wednesday, April 15, 2009 

41. I speak from experience when I say that having children who are compliant can give you the false sense that you are an extraordinary specimen of a mother. And on the contrary, having strong willed children will have you convinced that you are not capable of parenting at all. I have both varieties in my little family. Until you’ve parented a strong willed child, it would be wise to save all your statements that start with “Well, if that was my child, I’d….”. Give people the benefit of the doubt and spend the time you might judge them–saying a prayer for them instead. This is no task for the faint of heart. And grace and mercy need abound.
42. My favorite color is tiffany blue. I have plans to paint my craft room that color. Last year, my favorite color was orange. I’m wishy washy like that.

Thankful for Home Monday, November 22, 2010 

Prayer for the Home:
Lord God, our home is among the most precious gifts we receive in this life.
We realize this all the more as we remember our Lord Jesus. He set aside home and family. Having no place to lay His head throughout His ministry, he chose to sojourn among those He came to save. We prayerfully invite Him to dwell in our earthly abode even as He continually invites us by Word and Sacrament to dwell forever in our heavenly home, which He prepares for us.

Make us ever grateful for this shelter from life’s storms.

Keep this house always the home of comfort, joy, peace, and forgiveness.

According to Your will, protect this home from the spiritual assaults of Satan, but likewise make our home a fortress against the calamities of nature and the wickedness of sinful man.
Grant us the virtue of hospitality, the joy of harmonious living, and the blessing of gathering around Your Word and bringing our families’ prayers before You.

May all who dwell in our home be blessed by Your presence and Your peace,

and may all who go forth give thanks for the grace they receive from You, through us, Your dear children
We receive Your loving kindness in our home as a reminder of the eternal home we inherit through Your Son, Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray.
{prayer taken from the Lutheran prayer book which can be purchased at Concordia Publishing House.}

What more can I say? Edie's got it all summed up. Perfectly.
It breaks my heart that she lost her home. 
Thanks be to God no one was injured!
Go. See and share her strength. Here.
And, please. 
Give her the gift of your prayers.
Edie, you're in my thoughts and prayers.
 I wish you great peace and happiness in the coming year 
and a BLESSED new HOME!