"If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day." — E.B. White

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My crayon box of farm colors

My color palette changed at some point... I feel as tho my crayon box is now full of bright colors from the farm.

Although my bedroom has remained mostly whites and creams, the rest of the farmhouse is bright with primary colors. The first inspiration came from my beloved Grandma Betty's old cannister set... Grandpa was an exec at Pillsbury after his time as an Army Reserve General... I think that's where the Pillsbury Flour and Domino sugar set originated. When Grandma died, Grandpa moved and had us all come claim what we wanted before taking much to the thrift store. I was quick to drive the eight hours with my old truck, and came back with many treasures.

Years later, I was thrilled when The Farmer and I re-habbed our first cottage together and he gave me a yellow n white checkered kitchen floor - just to match my Grandma's cannisters. Now that's love!!! (And I still miss that floor!)

That same cottage allowed for a whole new farmhouse flavor, and a new chapter in my life... Previously I'd had a fancy, not my style, custom house/small farmette that I'd bought to (successfully) flip. It had cathedral ceilings and slate floors and was more muted and natural... It was lovely, but I was never truly happy there. I think each house tells you how it wants to be decorated. I am for sure a farm cottage girl...

The colors I see outside are reflected inside my home now...

I LOVE blue n white...

And red n green work hard all year here.

Pink n yellow are MY colors - just check my closet, walls and gardens!

My dirt colored leather sofa is farm friendly...

I even have a new appreciation for blaze orange!

It doesn't hurt that all these colors coordinate well with the vintage playskool & modern plastic toys that seem integral to my decor these days...

What about you? Where do you find your inspiration?


Janettessage.blogspot.com said...

I love the colors!!!!!! So cheerful and full of life, and enjoyable things of the past.

Farming On Faith said...

Hello Leslie~
It is so nice to meet you. You have a lovely blog.
I am so glad you came to visit. I am going to have a look around.
Carrie~Farming On Faith

Miss Mustard Seed said...

I love that first display of your colorful, vingtage collectibles against the white. So pretty! I am so excited about meeting you at Lucketts. Let's pray and hope for sunshine. :)