"If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day." — E.B. White

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Happiness Is Still Homemade

I'm bursting with blessings these days but starving for time so I went ahead n re-upped the Blogger/Pinterest account til the New Year.
Here's a sampling of the Thanksgiving fun we had.

 We had a slightly smaller group than expected but still enough to warrant a smaller card table for the first time... I'd worried that we might feel divided but this group was so festive we all felt engaged right from the start.

 My new sister in law Casey brought her zany brother, Sean, and cute sister, Erin.

 My generous Aunt, Mother in law and Mom prepped n cooked in my kitchen. Spoiling me rotten while I went out with others to ride round the farm or watch Sarah show-off n jump Piglet. All I did was some shopping n appetizers, the turkey and some redecorranging! It was like having caterers!!!

My decor reflected fruits of the harvest and foxhunting. Thanksgiving is about the only time I get to use my old Wedgewood foxhunting china...

Sean was a real mischief maker!
It all started when he BET Sarah $10 she couldn't do 50 push ups

 From then on it was a blur of activities and laughter...

Next thing you know he had the Moms arm wrestling!

And was running sit-up contests!

Things got so crazy that there was even table top dancing by little elves!

And face painting of the loser at arm wrestling

Sarah and Sean are now fast friends. The rest of us are rather fond of the Rubergs as well! xo

We ALL enjoyed our homemade happiness and gave much thanks ~
for fun family, bountiful harvests and new traditions!!!

Hope your blessings are too numerous to count! 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Please stand by...

... we are experiencing technical difficulties

I'm outta Picassa space and taking this moment to explore Wordpress etc.
I'd love a way to do my own horse business website design too
Any n ALL suggestions welcome!
I'm eager to post the last fun fall happenings n move on to
Hope you all are enjoying a blessed start to the holidays!

Monday, November 19, 2012


Sarah on Piglet, Leslie on Charlie, Jack on Merit
Yesterday was awesome.
I finally got out foxhunting with my kids and two dear friends n students.
As many of you know, I have been dreaming of this for years.
Some of you may not know that training horses and riders for this (and more) has been my business for nearly 30 years. I got a bit burned out and took a break, started a family and recharged my enthusiasm.
My enthusiasm is sky high again!
(I'd still give it all up for my family tho. No contest.)
The hunting day was picture perfect, despite the required tears n drama.
Nerves were frayed at first.
Fun was remembered most.

We recently joined Carrollton Hounds and can't say enough about how much we admire their club and people. I've hunted with many wonderful clubs and must say that foxhunters are always welcoming and encouraging. I think it's a real shame that so many believe that this sport is for the rich and snooty. That's a terrible misconception. But Carrollton folk have an extra special gift for making everybody feel at ease and helping in every single way to make "foxchasing" fun.
Plus they fed us really, really well!
Bacon encrusted with walnuts and brown sugar was the bomb.
Must search Pinterest for a recipe.

Today was an "open hunt" where any and all who ride and want to learn about foxhunting were welcome. The staff and members gave a lecture on foxhunting's history and protocol before we set out. For those who don't know, foxes are almost never ever killed. They are followed by scent (not sight) hounds and easily evade the hounds. In Maryland we're now calling it foxchasing due to that fact.
The fox leads us on a merry chase, often pausing to watch hounds struggle to figure out his path. We were so blessed to have two amazing views of the fox way out ahead of the hounds!

Diane and Shannon (and their horses) had never been foxhunting before. They were superstars! 
Both say they want to join the club now!!!

 My big new mare "Charlie" made it fun but not dull. The slow pace was just what she needed to remember foxhunting is not all galloping and jumping like fools. (Often I think this is the way it's shown in movies etc.) There's lots of standing around watching the hounds try to pick up a scent and soaking in the overwhelming beauty.
 Sarah did an outstanding job on "Piggy" as he leapt about, unsure of how to deal with climbing banks and crossing ditches... I was so proud that she didn't quit!

 No doubt about it, Jack was the star of the day in our group. He was pretty reluctant at the start, but the first to lead the way through creeks and brush by hunts end. HIs pony Merit was perfect. He didn't want to get off Merit and even asked if he could go to the beautiful buffet in the barn riding her. Many people went out of their way to encourage him or just ask to take his picture. At six years old, he was the youngest there. That's a big draw about foxchasing... It's super family friendly and you'll see tiny tots on leadlines and eighty year olds (who maybe should be?) with all ages, and backgrounds joining in!
Jack so relaxed at one of the checks that he's showing off how he "sleeps" on his pony!

By days end we were all very mellow (exhausted).

And I really can't end without thanking my awesome Mother in Law!!! The Farmer couldn't join us but his mom filled in and assisted with all things horsey, family and took all these pics. She used to be afraid of horses but has come a long way and I'm dreaming of her riding beside us next!

We're all looking forward to getting out again very soon!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tender hearts and milestones

Last Sat and Sun were the state junior hunting days.
Jack and his Daddy have been practicing and practicing. 
For years.
Jack has become an ace shot on targets. 

And his hard work and patience paid handsomely.
And filled our freezer.

Our six year old shot a seven point buck!
He dropped him fast with one shot.

 To say his Daddy is proud is a gross understatement.

But this boy will always be a true tenderheart.
Here he's snuggling with Nick before an early depart. 

 On a sadder note... Sarah lost her beloved pet rat unexpectedly.
Sarah did a great job taking care of her.
Sandy was a special rat no doubt. We all enjoyed her.

I love how my family supports one another. And love all creatures great and small..

Monday, November 5, 2012

Where to next?

“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.” 
John Adams

While at a stop sign I watched an older gentleman carefully set up his political sign and flag...

Regardless of election outcome, I'm praying for all Americans to have a brighter tomorrow.