I was thrilled to see the first blossoms on our peach tree. It was a free bonus thrown in from Stark's when I placed my order three years ago. All their trees did well but the blueberries seemed not to be happy with my soil. I need to try again - we're BIG berry eaters here.
The kids seemed even more thrilled when they were able to point out the very first crocus. JACK actually got off his trike, exclaimed and kissed them the first time he noticed them!
kiss the crocus - I love that!
Nice views around the farm!
Is that your barn? Love the happy spring color.
Beautiful.....kissing the crocus....wonderful sunny yellow! Please send me some spring!
Beautiful photos from your farm. I love that last photo.
Nice Barn...looks very well maintained. Love your photos!
Awww the kissing is ADORABLE & the flowers are sooo pretty! =) That is one really NIIICE barn... love the welcoming chicken!
Thanks so much for joining
I love that flag on the barn...like the whole barn too but that flag makes it extra special.
Standing at the welcome sign she really does look like one of those chickens from the garden shop.
What a great place to grow up and explore and have adventures.
That welcome sign with the chicken is so pretty. And the little boy who smells the flower is so cool!! Thanks for sharing your photos!
Barn Charm
My favorite at first was the shed pic with the red door. Would love that blown up and framed in my home..but the last picture melted my heart!
The cherry blossoms are gorgeous, I can almost smell them. That chicken looks huge!
Since I was born and raised on a farm, I appreciate the things yo shared. I love old barns. I also love flowers. In fact, I am getting out in my yard now.
Hurray for anything that makes a little guy so happy to see them!
And your barn & red tulips picture is so very inviting ... beautiful!
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