Hi Friends!
Hope your Fourth was Fantastic!
Ours was full of chips n picnicing
but these were the closest we came to the fireworks.
I must admit that I mostly resent the space I allow my Monarda (bee balm) in the garden.
Until it helps me make flower fireworks!
As we finished up riding our ponies and grilling steak later, we did enjoy these real fireworks from our porch!
Next year we promised the kids that we'll go to Westminster later and stay for the fireworks there.
Truth be, I've been reluctant due to my own childhood memories of a crush of people and deafening bombs bursting in air when my family would take me to D.C!
The farmhouse has extra red, white n blue although my mantle truly wasn't blogworthy.
As is our tradition, we enjoyed an afternoon at the Westminster Farm Museum grounds.
It's not all period garb and history lessons
(although The Farmer and I love those great displays)
And the kids love the old fashioned games!
This year we met up with a few classmates, Stephen and Sarah H. who kindly allowed us to join in on their Uno games too!
The Carroll County Cloggers got hip and danced to Adele!
And the band rocked out with a grey haired Granny on guitar!
No contest, the monkey who performed magic tricks captured the biggest crowd of kids.
But everyone was in the spirit and had fun!
Hope your summer's full of fun so far!