Hmmm, I guess I'm just getting O L D because I do
It's become HARD WORK to my geezin' body n brain!
Mmk, maybe not when I'm lookin' at these fabulous faces..
but I about come undone when it comes to this at days end.
I've been spending lotsa time here
teaching in the ring n working in the barn.
lotsa. time! (whimper)
But as our summer wrapped up we also were blessed to entertain a few city families... One fun family from Beijing CHINA came to see our small American farm!
Now Sarah has a cool "pen pal!"
Even after they saw our crazy monkey climb! ;-)
And we enjoyed more special family reunions.
We also had a blast on a hunt club trail ride at my very favoritest historic farm that's right round the corner. It dates from the late 1700's and is magnificent!
I don't want to scare them and have them think I'm a stalker, but
I often swing down their gravel lane with my coffee after dropping kids off at school just to dream n sigh with pleasure at the structures and boxwood hedges.
Ooooooh.... Aaaaaah!
I could die for this old carriage step
and formal allee w/view to their pond!
Besides the (?!) paying work...
and then The Farmer trenched in electric!
We took down the pool
and started school!
Jack's doing 1 more yr at our awesome preschool due to his late Bday
We ALL love the am routine of playing ball with him!
Treasured memories!!!
Sarah started 2nd grade!
OMG where's my Kindergartner gone SO FAST?!
At least she still loves Hello Kitty.
Now it's even harder for me to find a minute to catch up with my bloggie buds between late lessons and early dinners, homework, bedtime stories n out again for last chores n waiting critters...
Miss ya ALL!!!!
I've had enough w o r k. I'm ready to r e l a x and
eager to make my rounds n catch up with you soon!
It's the best part of shorter/darker days!
I pray you are all well and not too frantic with your own work!